MAE S.p.A., Italy, and Jindal Advanced Materials, India, have agreed to give life to a major carbon fiber composites project in India.

MAE S.p.A., Italy, and Jindal Advanced Materials, India, have agreed to give life to a major carbon fiber composites project in India.

The signing of the Project Framework Agreement at JEC Paris, the premier global industry exhibition for composite materials, marks a significant milestone. This agreement outlines the parties’ commitment to establish a carbon fiber plant in India, along with a range of intermediates and carbon fiber composites.

MAE, in collaboration with its partners, will provide exceptional engineering expertise and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure that Jindal Advanced Materials effectively embodies the “made in India” ethos within the carbon fiber-based advanced materials sector, catering to diverse applications.

The project encompasses the entire value chain, from PAN-precursor to carbon fiber intermediates, and is expected to be operational within 30 months.

Abhyuday Jindal, CEO of JAM, and CP Agrawal, company director, emphasized that integrating the best solutions available in the market will infuse the project with the anticipated dynamism, heralding a new era in the development of India’s composite industry.

This significant agreement solidifies MAE’s position in the global market and further inspires us to propel our evolution.

Galileo, the first italian demonstrative plant for carbon fiber production, was inaugurated on October 18th 2023

Galileo, the first italian demonstrative plant for carbon fiber production, was inaugurated on October 18th 2023

On October 18th, 2023 “Galileo” was inaugurated: it is the first Italian demonstrative plant for carbon fiber production, located near the MAE facility in Fiorenzuola and built within the research and development project Lampo (Leonardo Automated Manufacturing Process for Composit).

The project was made possible through a strategic collaboration with Leonardo, the participation of Aviorec, the involvement of Cnr (National Research Council), and the financial support of Invitalia. This collaboration allowed MAE to establish the first experimental carbon fiber production line in Italy.

Galileo lays the groundwork for producing carbon fiber spools in our country, applicable in the civil aerospace and automotive industries, as well as in the energy sector. This represents a significant strategic advantage for Italy, one of the world’s major consumers and transformers of carbon fiber. The main goal of the research and development project was to experiment with a potential production model by implementing automatic systems for detecting and correcting defects that may occur during the production of polymer and carbon fiber-based composite materials, making them more efficient.
MAE has developed optimized chemical recipes, including the recovery of 99.5% of solvents used in the processes, ensuring advanced performance, especially in the aerospace sector.

“The inauguration of this plant,” says Marco Rovellini, President of MAE, “marks a fundamental step in the Italian industry, ensuring carbon fiber production in our country, previously predominantly imported from China and Japan. I thank Leonardo for believing in this project from the beginning and Aviorec, Cnr for scientific support, and Invitalia for financial support, key institutional partners that have made the development of solutions for strategic sectors of our production system possible.”

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Cuore piacentino nelle moderne bici in gara a Parigi 2024

Una nuova linea di biciclette da competizione, realizzate con tecnologie di ultima generazione con un ambizioso obiettivo in testa: le Olimpiadi del 2024.

É la nuova sfida del designer Romolo Stanco, napoletano di nascita ma piacentino d’adozione che l’altra sera ha presentato presso la sede di Inside il progetto “The Falcon”,
l’ultima creazione di T°RED, casa costruttrice di biciclette nata proprio a Piacenza nel 2013, con la collaborazione di importanti realtà del territorio come Mae Prototipi.

Il Piacenza

Mae Prototipi nuova linea di biciclette da competizione
bici bicicletta corsa tecnologie ultima generazione articolo giornale Piacenza
Leonardo invests for the future in collaboration with MAE

Leonardo invests for the future in collaboration with MAE

Leonardo invests for the future, establishes pilot carbon fiber plant in Italy in collaboration with MAE

Part of government-supported project to innovate composites, pilot line will be operational in 2022 and enable testing of new precursors and process variations.

Leonardo SpA (Rome, Italy) provides services to the aerospace, defense and security sectors including: aerostructures, helicopters, aircraft, airborne and space systems, land and naval defense electronics and defense systems. As part of its mission to “develop and deploy advanced technology in the pursuit of security, progress and value, today and tomorrow,” Leonardo has invested in a new important project together with MAE (Fiorenzuola, Italy).

MAE specializes in the engineering and construction of production lines for polymer fibers.

Located outside of Piacenza, the company’s core business has now become construction of pilot- to industrial-scale production lines for carbon fiber PAN (polyacrylonitrile) precursor (see “CSIRO developing higher-quality, higher-strength, lower-cost carbon fibers”).

MAE was chosen by Leonardo to build a €17-million pilot carbon fiber plant in Piacenza, as part of a larger research project to innovate composites technologies (see “Leonardo and CETMA disrupting composites for lower cost and environmental impact”).

The new factory is co-financed by the national business development agency Invitalia (Rome, Italy), which supports innovative programs to boost Italy’s production structure. Carbon fiber is a material that is increasingly strategic in terms of production in the aerospace sector and in other fields such as automotive, energy and construction.

“The future is carbon fiber,” says Paola Rovellini, MAE’s chief financial officer, who played a leading role in the agreement with Leonardo for the new pilot plant.
“The boom in carbon fiber demonstrates how it is already a strategic product in many industrial sectors internationally. And it will be an increasingly important material to face the ecological transition all over the world, reducing emissions, energy consumption, production costs and improving product quality. Carbon fiber guarantees better results than much heavier materials such as steel.”
She cites aerospace, “Let’s just think of the fuel savings obtained with much lighter aircraft. And this is true not only from an economic point of view, but also from an environmental point of view.”

“In the field of aeronautics, the history of composite materials began in the 1980s and Leonardo immediately grasped what was already considered a challenge for the future,” recalls Giancarlo Schisano, managing director of Leonardo’s aerostructures division.
“In recent years, the use of these composite materials has grown and not only in the aeronautical sector. The collaboration with MAE is another step forward for Leonardo in a strategic and competitive sector.”


CompositesWorld                                by Ginger Gardiner




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